Teen Yoga Pop Up Class!
with Jenny Cutler Lopez

November 1 (Thursday)
at 4:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Chakra Studio

This pop up class is an over-view of our upcoming series.

Give the gift of yoga to your teen.  Practice in a judgement- free and deeply restorative environment.  Yoga can help teens find the tools to deal with their emotion, stress, body image, and peer pressure.  In this class, your teen will learn yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and visualizations to build skills such as confidence, stress management, and resilience.  This is a safe and restful space!  Each student will leave feeling nourished.  This class is for all levels and people between the ages of 14-17 years old.  

Cost:  $5 any teen with a family member that is a JOY member / $10 non members


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