Community Yoga with Sandra
with Sandra

January 12 (Saturday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Chakra Room

Dive deeper into getting to know “you”.

Come and share space with Sandra at JOY in growing deeper and deeper in your own understanding of your mind, body and soul. Find a beautiful connection and love for your bodies, what they are able to do, the fears they can overcome, the depths of which they can explore themselves, and the strength they have within. Let us help with finding that connection between the head and the heart, allow yourself to truly experience embodiment and to develop relationships with yourself and our loving community.  

Yoga doesn’t have a size or shape. Yoga is for all of us!

To attend the cost is $0 but donation is extremely appreciated. $10 suggested donation will be going toward The Center For Eating Disorder Management right here in Bedford, NH.

Class will be 1 hour with 15 minute discussion time after our practice.
Looking forward to sharing this space with all of you. 
All are welcomed!
This will be (all levels, anybody yoga) NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!  


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