JOY / Journey Om Yoga

Somatic Yoga
with Monica

January 23 (Thursday)
at 7:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Chakra Studio

Please join me on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm for a Somatic Yoga flow. The root word in Somatic, Soma, means living body or living body in its wholeness. Somatic practices are practices that are focused on embodied movement, sensing, feeling, being aware of the body, and connecting from the inside out. 

During the Somatic Yoga class, I will guide you through connecting with your emotions and physical sensations in your body through asana (movement), pranayama (breathwork) and dhyana (meditation). You will be encouraged to move intuitively, inviting you to keep your eyes closed or your gaze soft throughout the class. Through observing your sensations without judgement, you will learn to be present with these sensations which helps in activating the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response). I will prioritize safety by ensuring appropriate alignment and providing options for students of all levels. After our somatic flow, you will be calmly transitioned to a well-earned savasana. This class focuses on connecting internally rather than on building strength, which makes this class a great fit for yogis of all levels, including beginners and people that are new to yoga.

The first Somatic Yoga class will start this Thursday, 11/21 at 7:30pm. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the mat.




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